Walkway to work site, horiz_ScottPhotos.jpg
Walkway to work site, horiz_ScottPhotos.jpg

Construction Social Media


Construction Social Media

Social Media Rebranding

C.W. Driver Companies | July 2016 - Present


Rebrand the social media for C.W. Driver, a leading construction company, by creating innovative, engaging, and esthetically pleasing content on a daily basis.


In recent years, the construction industry has created a bad reputation for itself. The industry has been extremely slow in incorporating new and innovative technologies. This is no exception when it comes to Social Media. Most companies create daily content on every platform but have struggled with utilizing social media in an efficient and profitable way. Until now…


I quickly learned that my experience in creating unique and experiential content would be resisted in this traditional corporate company. I was driven to create a social media plan that would be creative and engaging without overlooking the organizations roots in tradition. This resulted in a plan that gradually incorporated more original content. Another problem that I ran into was lack of content. C.W. Driver has 7 different offices and over 30 jobsites scattered across the state of California. Receiving construction updates from these different sites heavily relies on employees taking initiative and sending over content. Since the last thing on a construction worker’s mind is social media content, I had to come up with a creative solution.

Within the first year of rebranding, C.W. Driver’s social media followers have increased by an average of 20% and impressions have increased by over 350% across all platforms. I increased the organization’s content tenfold by researching updates on the owners of the construction projects pages. On top of this, I created a visual brand that is recognizable and consistent across all platforms. Many construction companies have taken C.W. Driver’s lead and have incorporated similar social media strategies to their own platforms.


My posts have been featured on "The Ultimate List of Social Media Ideas for Contractors"

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See the new and improved social media rebranding in action!

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Want to learn more about my success? Click Here!


Corporate Wellness Program

Corporate Wellness Program

Corporate Wellness Program

C.W. Driver Companies | January 2017 - Present


Work alongside my department in developing a diverse wellness program for a company with over 400 employees. The program must include a cohesive brand, wellness articles, monthly events, and relevant giveaways.


This project was no easy task. My department was expected to create this entire program in a short time frame and on top of our daily workload. We began by dividing this large project into smaller, more manageable sections. I was tasked with creating the wellness articles. I also assisted my coworkers in any way possible.


I began by gathering data on the employees, otherwise known as the target market. Most of the employees at this company are 30-35-year-old males with young children. This market is more interested in health and fitness as well as parental advice over mental wellness. Yet, employees range from 18 to 67-years-old with a majority being male. I used this insight as the foundation to my strategy. I would promote a variety of wellness articles on a weekly basis with an abundance of articles directed towards the target market. This would prove to be a struggle for me. I have a passion for emotional, spiritual, and environmental wellness not as much physical and intellectual. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to create content that would benefit the target market while still exposing others to new kinds of wellness they may have previously overlooked. And with that, Wellness Wednesday was born.

The weekly Wellness Wednesday articles have become the center of the corporate wellness brand. To date, I have written over 100 articles for the program. These articles range from physical exercises you can do from your desk to humorous articles on how to survive the holidays with your family. My Wellness Wednesday articles have become inspiration to create bigger and better monthly events. This project would not be the success it was without teamwork and our passion for giving.



Read some of my Wellness Articles here!